New Horizons Counselling

How Counselling Can Help You

You may have found that talking about problems with family or friends hasn’t helped as much as you hoped and be wondering how talking to a counsellor would be any better. I have studied for years to develop listening skills, empathy and  gentlehonesty  that your family or friends may not be able to provide.  Importantly, you don’t have to worry about telling me things that would be uncomfortable to share with someone in your day-to-day life.

Counselling with me will give you the chance to speak about your challenges, aspirations and and feelings with the assurance that what you say will be kept confidential, except in certain situations where you or other people are at risk. I will talk about this in more detail with you before you begin counselling.

When you have been struggling with things for sometime it can really change the way you think about them to say them aloud to someone. I will listen with care and empathy and help you understand what has happened, or what is happening to you right now. Often clients begin with the thought, “What is wrong with me,” but I aim to help you explore what has happened to you and how your responses have helped you to survive your difficult experiences and to discover that there isn’t something wrong with you.

I have worked with many clients who began counselling doubting that talking to me would make any difference to problems they thought were too big to be able to change. Through our work together, many of them have found they can make a much bigger change to their life than they ever thought possible.

Get in touch with me soon to begin your journey to a more enjoyable and meaningful life!

New Horizons Counselling