Walk and Talk Counselling
Walk and Talk therapy provides the opportunity to experience the positive effects of spending time in nature as well as the good outcomes of talking about your life and challenges in a counselling session. I provide walk and talk sessions in a variety of locations and will be happy to discuss your preferences with you.
When it wasn’t possible to meet clients indoors in the early days of the Covid pandemic, I completed training to develop my knowledge and skills to allow me to meet for sessions in person by providing ‘walk and talk’ counselling. This has led to me provide many sessions where I meet clients at an agreed location and we hold the session while we walk for an hour.
I am especially aware of the need for confidentiality when working outdoors so I take responsibility for preventing clients being overheard when other people are nearby. Walk and talk sessions have been very popular with clients and many have said that the mixture of exercise and meaningful talk has felt rewarding. If you are interested in having sessions like this please ask me for more detail.