New Horizons Counselling

About me portrait


I began counselling in 2015 and have worked with private clients since 2020. During training I worked with clients at Compass Counselling and The Brain Charity in Liverpool and was inspired by how they used their sessions to explore difficult things that had happened to them. I saw at first hand the value of empathic listening and support as they changed their lives in powerful, positive and rewarding ways.

I completed my MA degree in Clinical Counselling at the University of Chester in 2016 and continued to work as a volunteer counsellor until I began seeing private clients in 2020. Following the difficulties created by coronavirus, I have worked with many clients in video sessions and also in ‘walk and talk’ therapy in local open spaces. Now that restrictions have been lifted I see clients at my counselling room in Churchtown, Southport

Client Feedback

Former clients speak very positively about their counselling. They have said how much they enjoy being listened to with care and respect and value having a space where they are able to talk about their experiences and feelings without judgement or being given directions about what they should do. Clients say they are able to be more honest about how they feel about life experiences and also that co,nselling helped them to feel more confident and develop new perspectives that they have never considered before.

How Counselling Could Help You

If you are finding your life difficult or upsetting at the moment, I would really like to talk with you about how counselling might help you. I know that the experience of receiving counselling has made my life more rewarding and I would love to offer this to you in your current challenging situation. I have worked with clients whose lives have been difficult for a variety of reasons including –

  • Relationship problems
  • Childhood adversity and family trauma
  • Bereavement
  • Significant, life-limiting and life-altering illness
  • Self-confidence and self-worth
  • Feelings of failure
  • Suicidal thoughts and feelings
  • Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Depression and low motivation
  • Losses in life
  • Caring for dependant relatives
  • Domestic violence and controlling relationships
  • PTSD
My work is focused on listening to you and understanding your experience. I will be interested as you tell me about  the experiences you have had, what these mean to you and together we will explore how this has challenged you. There is great power in sharing your story with a compassionate, empathic listener and many clients comment on how being able to be heard helps them to understand better why they are struggling and then to think about the changes that they believe are going to help make a positive difference.

I look forward to getting your email, text or phone call to arrange a time to talk about how, working together, we might be able to find New Horizons in your life.

Best Wishes, Guy

Why I'm a counsellor

I became a counsellor to use my skills of listening, empathy and acceptance to help people who are finding their lives challenging.

I am certain that everyone has times of adversity in life and I know, from my experience as a counsellor and as a client, that being listened to with deep attention and care can transform your thoughts and feelings.

This change can make it possible to live in new, more rewarding and fulfilling ways and my aim is to help you to resolve your difficulties and get more out of life.

My motivation

My work is motivated by the belief that being heard with empathy, compassion and understanding can change difficult situations for the better.

My vision is to encourage greater openness and acceptance of counselling as a way to deal with the challenges life throws our way. It is my goal to give you a space where it is easier to talk about difficult things.

I aim to help my clients share their experiences and feelings and think about the way they view the world. I hope that through this they can discover alternative perspectives that give them New Horizons to travel towards.

My values

New Horizons Counselling